Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Facing the Giants

After watching Facing the Giants last night and then having the day off of work to reflect and take time for myself I have a new (or at I least I found it again) outlook on the work that I do. If you haven't seen Facing the Giants, well you should. The movie is based around a losing football coach and his team. Nothing seems to be going right in the coaches life. He hasn't had a winning season in 6 years, his home is falling down around him, and he and is wife can not have kids. When he hits rock bottom, he starts to pray and to read the bible. He studies scripture and comes up with a new philosophy for his football team, one that not only applies to football but applies to life in general. The team will serve God by using their talents that God has given them, and win or lose they will praise Him. By implementing this philosophy some of the players come to know Christ and they start winning games. I wanted to watch this movie to see if God would speak to me last night. Nothing happened last night but today it hit me. Sometimes at work we are just like the coach. We are about winning and about ourselves. We want to be recognized, we are all striving for a status. We forget all about why we are doing what we are doing. We struggle each and everyday in our job and even get to the point where we feel that it is not worth it. But if we would all just do what the coach did. He finally figured out that it wasn't about football...it was about something so much greater. Life is about serving God and praising him in our triumphs and our failures. We all serve God in the different ways that he has led us. We are coaches, teachers, business people, lawyers, etc. Hopefully we are all in those positions because we are lead there by God. He did not lead us to those positions to make money or for the fame and status. He led us there to serve Him. It's about the lives we reach out to, the people we impact, the changes we can make while in those positions. As I go back to work tomorrow, I remember why I was led to this job. I was led there to make an impact. Not the impact that I want to make, the one God wants me to. I am here to serve Him in the ways that He has planned. He will put the opportunities and people in my life that He wants to. We just have to prepare for the rain.

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