Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reflecting on 2009

Wow....what a year! As 2009 ends and I celebrate my 25th birthday, I reflect back on the whirlwind of a ride this year has been. I am so blessed for the amazing people in my life and the experiences & opportunities I have been given this year. I was asked recently if I regretted not going into coaching right after my undergrad....I thought about it....and my answer was absolutely not!! I would not trade these last two years for anything! It has been hard but I have pushed myself harder and farther than I ever thought possible. Actually I should say that God has pushed me harder and farther than I ever thought possible. I am so blessed that God directed me into the areas that he has. He has helped me find my passion & purpose in life and He has opened doors for me that has made everything possible.

This semester has been an emotional roller coaster. I have struggled to balance everything in my life, to stay healthy, and to stay positive. There were moments where I literally thought I was falling into depression but I snapped out of it and realized how lucky I truly blessed I am. I live a life of luxury. Even though I am a struggling college student...I have everything that I physically need....and that I am thankful for.

Family life for me has been tough this year. The transition from losing a loved one takes a toll on everyone. Everyone seeks to find out who they are and that has been the hardest thing for my family. We are trying to rediscover who we are and what our relationships are going to be like in the future. I think I have finally come to the realization that life does not turn out like you think it will and everything can not always stay the same....even though you want it to. But as I reflect on this....even though it is sad and hard to see things change...without this change we will never grow...we would just stay stagnant in our lives. Even though nothing is the same as it used to is still wonderful to be surrounded by people who love me.

Even though things change...people change....relationships change.....NO ONE will ever replace my mom and the love that she gave me. My mom will always be my mom even though she is not here physically with me....I know she is above watching over me....and I hope that she is proud of the woman I have become.

As 2009 ends, I look forward to what 2010 will bring. The coming year proves to be a year filled with major changes in my life. As graduation approaches the thought of where I will be a year from now leaves me with excitement and anticipation. To start a new life somewhere is very exciting but I know that I will leave behind a lot of things. But one thing is for matter what university I am will follow me. The love of my friends, my family, and God will follow me no matter where I go. Goodbye 2009....Good Morning 2010!!

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