The Bible says once you are truly born again--once you receive the new birth--you receive
an "inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade--kept in heaven for you."
Every honest believer experiences periods of doubt. Doubt is not the opposite of faith;
it is the flip side of the same coin. Sincere doubt signifies a search--a search
that God honors.
an "inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade--kept in heaven for you."
Every honest believer experiences periods of doubt. Doubt is not the opposite of faith;
it is the flip side of the same coin. Sincere doubt signifies a search--a search
that God honors.
This statement spoke to me, not necessarily in it's exact context, but in spoke to me in a way that I needed. In my previous blogs I have been talking about how my life has become so filled with work that I have lost sight of my beliefs and my relationship with God has deteriorated. This passage spoke to me saying that since I have been truly born again even through the times that I do not rely on God or put God at the center of everything I do, I am still saved. This same topic came up at church a couple weeks ago. The pastor preached about the narrow road vs. the wide road. After the service I was really struggling with what road I truly was on. I started questioning whether I truly was saved. This statement of scripture tells me that I am. Even though there are times that my faith is not as strong, I know that I have been born again and that I gave my life to Christ. It leaves me at ease knowing that God honors the search that we are going through as Christians. I think that the statement above can speak to many different people differently. To me the part about God honoring our search means that he is honoring and loves the fact that I am struggling to find the sense of balance that I am searching for. When we are searching we are learning, and when we are learning we are growing! It sets me at ease through this personal struggle that God honors it and it is okay to go through this because in the end I know that I am doing all of this for His glory!
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